
little luxuries make perfect

my friend jenny and i have gone through all sorts of decorating dilemmas and decisions when we were roommates in new york years ago. although she and i have different tastes and takes on a lot of things, there is one thing we could agree on: little luxuries make a big difference in the quality of your life! we were struggling ad/publishing peons back then, so we had to be very resourceful and creative about how we enjoyed ourselves [and spent the contents of our tiny purses]. but with jenny's ad-agency swag gifts [like tons of magazines, fancy candles, chocolates, free booze!!] and living in the LES with plenty of cheap eats around every corner, we somehow managed to enjoy life, even without much disposable income. a great cup of tea, maybe some chocolates and ice cream at the end of the day. parking our broke asses in front of the hand-me-down television set to indulge in our guilty pleasure - the korean drama. tending to a plant that grew maybe 1/8" in my 2-3 years of taking care of it, just for the sake of having something to take care of .. all those little luxuries helped to round out the rough edges in my life back then. no matter how one does it, it's important to enjoy the little luxuries that help to bring a sense of momentary perfection, calm and happiness to one's life.

a few days ago, jenny sent me a story that i might enjoy because it involved house beautiful magazine, where i used to work. she said she, or her story, was mentioned in the february 2009 editor's letter. i read the letter [below] and i was delighted that her earnest confession about upgrading her life with a few wastebaskets caught the attention of one of the key design tastemakers in the country! but in a way, it was to be expected from jenny - to mention this type of thing nonchalantly to someone, only to have it published in a national publication. it came as no surprise to me because i know that for her [and for me], these types of 'design' decisions are no serious decisions at all. it is a split-second recognition of the fact that a little change can go a long way to bettering the quality of our lives. that is just the type of thing that i would expect from someone who takes pleasure in beautifying her life in small and big ways. cheers to jenny! cheers to beautifying our lives in big and small ways!

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